Better Late Than November
As soon as Halloween is over things seem to fly by! And I guess that's my excuse for being late on the Blog. So let's get down to business:

First off, we had a great time last month (seems like forever ago) at the Halloween Ninja Night! Photos from the event are up on our Facebook page, and you can Click Here to check them out.
Do you love your Dojo? Then make sure everyone knows it by voting us "Best Martial Arts Studio" in San Clemente in the SC Times' "Best of San Clemente" Awards! To vote, head over to, click on the awards link in the right side bar, and when you get to it, fill in "USSD Martial Arts" as Best Martial Arts Studio. You can vote for your favorites in other categories as well, but you do not have to fill out every section in order to cast your vote. The last day to vote is December 11th, and we'd really appreciate you showing us some love and helping us to take home the gold this year!
Our October Student of the Month race was insane! At one point we had a 6-way tie and had to extend the race until we could narrow it down. Once again, Yeremy G. is our winner for October 2016! Congratulations to you, Yeremy, and to everyone who came so close!

Now that we're all caught up, let's get down to November news. For Thanksgiving week, the Dojo will be OPEN and on regular schedule every day except for Thursday, 11/24. If you have a private lesson scheduled for that day, your instructor will reschedule it with you for a more convenient time.
Next month is our last big event of the year (and one of my favorites), the Dojo Family Potluck! This year's potluck will be on Saturday, December 17th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Bring the whole family and your favorite dish to share for some games and challenges, music, and great food. Beginning in December we'll have a sign-up sheet at the front desk for the potluck. This is always a really fun time to wind down the year with the whole Dojo fam, and we hope to see you there.
Finally, the Dojo will be closed from Saturday, December 24th through Saturday, January 1st so our students and instructors can spend time with their families for the holidays. All private lessons scheduled during this time can be rescheduled for before or after the Holiday Break on a first-come, first-served basis.
We hope you have a great Thanksgiving with friends and family! Be safe and make it back to class on Friday and Saturday to help burn off those candied yams :) See you in the Dojo