Registration Now Open for Ninja Camp 2018: Bully Blockers!

We are excited to announce that registration for Ninja Camp 2018: Bully Blockers begins this Monday, February 12th!
This year’s camp dates are Wednesday, August 1st through Friday, August 3rd, from 8:00 am to noon.

In addition to all of the Campers’ favorite techniques and challenges that we bring back every year (Kidnap Challenge, Agility Obstacle Course, the picnic and Water War at the beach), the main focus of Ninja Camp is teaching kids how to effectively deal with physical and verbal bullying, and how they can recognize, avoid, and escape from "Stranger Danger" situations.
Bullying can become more of a problem as kids get older, even for kids who haven’t experienced it in the past. In Ninja Camp, we teach campers how to prevent bullies from targeting them and how they can recognize and stop it when they see it being done to someone else.
Strangely enough, teaching kids how to stop physical bullying by other kids is a little more complicated than teaching them how to stop an adult attacker, because they have to be able to judge when it’s OK to use their martial arts skills and how much force is appropriate for a particular situation. We’ll spend time working on non-violent ways to avoid and end conflicts, as well as effective and controlled techniques designed for campers to use when defending themselves against other children without going “overboard” which could have serious and dangerous consequences.

It is also crucial for kids of all ages to be equipped with the skills needed to fend off a would-be child-predator, and more importantly, how to prevent such incredibly dangerous situations in the first place. During Ninja Camp, we first spend time discussing and demonstrating the steps kids can take to avoid becoming an easy target, everything from creating family plans to utilizing the "Buddy System", and so on. We then move on to teaching campers practical and effective self-defense techniques specifically designed for kids to use against a bigger and stronger adult attacker.
Overall, Ninja Camp is not only an opportunity for kids to learn important life skills that they can carry with them well into their adulthood, but also a really fun and positive experience for them to share with their friends and the instructors in a safe and controlled environment.

Ninja Campers will also engage in tons of fun teamwork games, exciting challenges, and cool crafts. As they work to earn their Ninja Camp Badges, they'll learn the importance of Teamwork, Focus, Respect, and Effort, while building Self-Esteem and making new friends.
For our students and their siblings, Ninja Camp registration also includes admission to the Ninja Sleepover, the party of the year, on Saturday, August 4th at 8:00 pm until Sunday, August 5th at 8:00 am (or until 10:00 pm on Saturday for those who just want to stay for the Pizza Party, Games, and Piñata).
Ninja Camp 2018 Registration is open to all children ages 5 to 11 (non-students welcome!).

Registration begins Monday, February 12th and runs until all spots have been filled. (Space is limited. Spots will be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.)
We will have a $40 “Early-Bird” discount available to all of our registered students and their family members who enroll by February 19th, as well as a Sibling Discount. Registration forms can be found at the front desk in the Dojo, or you can download and print your own by clicking the link below:

Beginning on Wednesday, February 14th, you can also register online through the City of San Clemente's Summer Recreation programs (Early-Bird discount not available online). Click Here to visit San Clemente's summer programs online registration.
Due to our new partnership with the City of San Clemente's recreation department, we do expect this year’s camp to fill up fast, so please return your forms to the Dojo ASAP. When all spots have been filled, we will close registration and begin taking names for the waiting list.
If you have any questions about Ninja Camp, you can call us at (949) 361-9111, send an email to, or come by the Dojo to speak with an Instructor. Click Here for photos and a rundown of last year's camp!

We hope to see you for some great summer fun in August so your kids will be ready to fight back against bullying and stay safe from danger when the next school year begins!